Emerald Medical Clinic

our specialties |

Otolaryngology ENT

Welcome to the ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) Department at Emerald Avenue Medical Clinic, where exceptional care meets cutting-edge expertise. Our dedicated team of highly skilled ENT specialists is committed to providing comprehensive and personalized care for a wide range of ear, nose, and throat conditions. With a focus on patient well-being and the latest medical advancements, our department offers a warm and welcoming environment where your health and comfort are our top priorities.

At Emerald Avenue Medical Clinic ENT Department, we understand the vital role that the intricate systems of the ears, nose, and throat play in your overall health and quality of life. Whether you’re seeking relief from sinus issues, hearing disorders, voice problems, or any other ENT-related concern, our experienced medical professionals are here to offer compassionate care and effective solutions.

Your ENT specialist in Dubai (Otolaryngologist) 

Coughing all the time? Runny nose, deaf sensations in the ear or even frequent nose bleeds? Those symptoms – though sometimes easy to forget – should always be examined. There is no point in deliberate suffering or even mistaking those as mere symptoms of a temporary cold. They can, of course, be just an indication of a cold, but they might also point so some greater inflammatory or neurological issues. Our ENT specialist in Dubai at the Emerald Avenue Medical Clinic will examine you discretely and professionally – and of course, provide the necessary treatments to relieve you from your pain. 

The best ENT doctor in Dubai

Why are we the best ENT specialist in Dubai? Because we treat every patient like your own family and offer leading-edge technology when it comes to treating any and all treatable diseases. Let us show you what we can do for you at our ENT department. As a bonus to diagnosing and treating general ENT issues, we also offer aeromedical consultations as our in-house ENT specialist in Dubai is also a certified GCAA. You are a pilot or part of a cabin crew? Then we are THE best ENT doctor near you

With a variety of ear, nose and throat issues, it is not always easy to pinpoint exactly where the root cause of the issue lies. That is why our ear, nose and throat doctors at the EAMC are trained to diagnose even the rarest conditions – through thorough and precise examinations. If you are experiencing and of the following, please contact us:

Consulting an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist in Dubai is advisable if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Hearing Loss: Sudden or gradual hearing loss, especially if it affects one ear more than the other or if it occurs along with dizziness or balance problems.
  • Ear Pain or Discharge: Persistent ear pain, fluid drainage from the ear, or blood in the ear canal.
  • Nasal Congestion and Sinus Issues: Chronic nasal congestion, recurring sinus infections, facial pain, or pressure. Our ENT specialists in Dubai can help!
  • Throat Issues: Persistent sore throat, difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), or frequent throat clearing.
  • Voice Changes: Hoarseness or changes in voice quality that persist for more than two weeks.
  • Balance Problems: Dizziness, vertigo (spinning sensation), or imbalance that affects daily activities.
  • Snoring and Sleep Apnea: Loud or chronic snoring, interrupted breathing during sleep (sleep apnea), or excessive daytime sleepiness.
  • Swelling or Lumps: Any unexplained swelling, lumps, or bumps in the neck, throat, or mouth that persist for more than two weeks should be examined by one of our ENT specialists in Dubai.
  • Chronic Cough: A persistent cough that lasts for more than 3–4 weeks, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms like hoarseness or difficulty breathing.
  • Facial Pain or Pressure: Persistent pain, pressure, or fullness in the face, particularly around the sinuses or behind the eyes.

Especially if these symptoms persist or worsen over time, it’s essential to seek evaluation and treatment from our ENT Specialist in Dubai. We will provide an initial examination, diagnose the underlying cause of your symptoms, and recommend appropriate treatment or further investigations as needed. Early intervention can often lead to better outcomes and improved quality of life – do not wait to feel better, do it today!

Your otolaryngologist in Dubai: This is what we will do for you

Discover comprehensive care for sleep-related breathing disorders, from diagnosis to surgical treatments like the innovative tongue pacemaker. The expertise of our ENT specialist in Dubai extends to diagnosing and treating a spectrum of ENT conditions – ear, nose, sinuses, larynx, and throat disorders – with precision and care. We specialize in managing voice, speech, language, and swallowing disorders such as dysphagia.

Our capabilities as ENT specialist in Dubai cover …

… diagnosing middle ear conditions like tinnitus and providing therapy for inner ear and vestibular system disorders, including hearing loss and dizziness, complemented by expert hearing aid services.

… integrating allergic disease diagnostics with specific immunotherapy to enhance your quality of life.

… utilizing advanced ultrasound technology to diagnose paranasal sinus and salivary gland diseases, along with soft tissue throat issues.

… outpatient services featuring state-of-the-art endoscopy, microsurgery, and laser therapy for effective treatment.

Surgical treatments …

Our ENT specialists in Dubai are trained surgeons and therefore also offer specialized care in ENT pediatric operations, including tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and tympanic drainage, ensuring optimal pediatric airway management. Our commitment extends to head and neck oncology, emphasizing cancer prevention and treatment.

… for your ears

Experience our inpatient therapy for ENT surgical interventions such as ear microsurgery (tympanoplasty), laryngeal microsurgery (micro laryngoscopy), and cervical trachea surgery, delivering comprehensive care with minimal invasiveness.

… and for your nose

Our services as ENT Specialists in Dubai also encompass minimally invasive endoscopic surgery for nasal and paranasal sinus conditions, including laser surgical interventions. We specialize in correcting nasal septal deviation, nasal polyposis, and nasal obstruction, ensuring optimal breathing and comfort.

Looking to extend your surgical needs?

For aesthetic needs, additionally to our service as ENT Specialist in Dubai, we offer plastic-aesthetic surgery for the nose, ear, eye region, and face, enhancing both function and appearance. Our expertise extends to managing ear problems, including lopped ear, with precision and compassion.

If you are experiencing any issues that require surgical intervention and have also been wanting to undergo cosmetic surgeries, there is no better time than now! 

ENT clinic in Dubai and more: the EAMC

At the Emerald Avenue Medical Clinic we provide more, than just your standard care. Our professional aim is to offer a great variety of solutions, that you will not need another doctor in your life ever again. As such, we do not only offer our services to you as your ENT specialist in Dubai, but can also assist you with any other health issues you might have:

Whether you are looking to simply boost your health with IV Drips, need General Surgery, or want to plan a healthy family with our Gynecologist: We are here for you. More of our other services include:

  • Cardiology: A healthy heart is a happy life.
  • Dentist Implantologist: For the joy of life is food.
  • Dermatology: Skin rashes? No more.
  • Neurology: Get your brain back on.
  • Plastic Surgery: Cosmetic issues are still issues.
  • Rheumatology: Where is the fun in constant pain?
  • Urology: If it burns, you know where to come.

Have you been planning on getting a few check-ups for multiple health indications? Then choose one or more of our package deals. We are not just the best ENT doctors in Dubai, we are the best everything-doctors in Dubai!

Your Comprehensive ENT Specialist in Dubai

Whether you are looking for an ear doctor, a nose doctor or a professional throat doctor – we welcome you to the Emerald Avenue Medical Clinic. As experienced ENT Specialists in Dubai, we are the best fit for you, if you:

  • Do not know what the issue is, but are eager to find out.
  • Do know what the issue is and are looking to not just plaster over the condition, but actually heal the root cause, too.

Disclaimer: We will never advise you to take any condition lightly. Any and all disease is not natural to the body and should (if possible) be treated. If you have been told to just live with it – this is not our opinion, and we promise that we will do our best to help you through your situation, however it might look. However: We, of course, cannot guarantee that every condition can be healed. But we can guarantee that we will do everything in our power to help you.


ENT Services offered includes:

  • Diagnosis and surgical treatment of sleep-related breathing disorders such as snoring including tongue pacemaker.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the ears, nose and paranasal sinuses, larynx, and soft parts of the throat.
  • Diagnosis and therapy of voice, speech, language, and swallowing disorders (Dysphagia).
  • Diagnosis of diseases of the middle ear such as tinnitus.
  • Diagnosis and therapy of the inner ear and the vestibular system common diseases such as hearing loss or dizziness and implementing hearing aid supply.
  • Diagnosis and therapy of allergic diseases integrated with specific immunotherapy.
  • Ultrasound diagnosis of diseases of the paranasal sinuses, diseases of the salivary glands and the soft parts of the throat.
  • Outpatient endoscopy, microsurgery, and laser therapy.
  • Rehabilitation of laryngectomy and tracheotomy patients.
  • Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine.
  • Aeromedical examination and consultations for pilots and cabin crew.
  • Pediatric ENT operations:
    ENT pediatric surgical interventions (tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, tympanic drainage) and Paediatric Airway Management
  • Head and Neck Oncology with Cancer prevention
  • Inpatient therapy in the context of ENT surgical interventions such as microsurgery of the ear (tympanoplasty), the larynx (micro laryngoscopy) and surgery of the Cervical Trachea.
  • Minimally invasive endoscopic surgery of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Laser surgical interventions.
  • Deviated Nose, Nasal Septal Deviation, Nasal Polyposis and Nasal Obstruction.
  • Ear Problems including Lopped Ear.
  • Plastic-aesthetic surgery of the nose, the ear, the eye region, or the face.