Emerald Medical Clinic

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Gynecology and Obstetrics

Gynecologist in Dubai

Are you still looking for the best gynecologist in Dubai? We understand that some procedures and consultation require more than just your friendly neighborhood doctor. At the Emerald Avenue Medical Clinic we place our focus on your mental health just as well as on your physical well-being. We take care of your needs – be it for a standard examination or more advanced medical procedures. Our professional obstetricians and gynecology specialists can assist you with a variety of intimate issues and of course: As gynecologists in Dubai, we provide the necessary privacy for you to feel just like home at our facility. So no matter if you are looking for the best care for you and your little one during pregnancy or just want to take care of your reproductive health – we are here for you.

Obstetrics and gynecology in Dubai

At the Emerald Avenue Medical Clinic we offer not just your state of the art obgyn appointments – we offer a complete package for your intimate and reproductive needs. Our obstetricians and gynecologists are the best in their specific fields, so they can provide you with both standard services and cosmetic gynecology.

Cosmetic gynecology performed by our gynecologist in Dubai can involve surgical and non-surgical procedures aimed at enhancing the appearance and function of the female genital region. We can address concerns such as vaginal laxity, urinary incontinence, labial asymmetry, and other aesthetic issues. Our cosmetic gynecologists utilize advanced techniques to achieve natural-looking results while prioritizing patient safety and well-being. Are you still looking for the best obgyn in Dubai? You found us.

Why you should choose EAMC as your gynecology clinic in Dubai

At the Emerald Avenue Medical Clinic we have the means and the skills to provide you with top-tier treatments – from cardiology to plastic surgery. It is exactly this variety of procedures that provides you with the best treatments you can get in Dubai, as we have specialists for almost all physical needs available at our fingertips. We can offer you treatments from the top doctors and gynecologists in Dubai – precise and effective procedures make us who we are.

Are you in need of a consultation or treatment? Please do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us either through the contact form on our website, or simply our phone and WhatsApp number.

Here is what we can help you with in addition to your usual appointments:

Vaginal tightening

Vaginal tightening aims to restore vaginal firmness, often after childbirth or due to aging. It can enhance sexual satisfaction and self-esteem. Non-surgical methods include Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and laser treatments (provided through our gynecologist in Dubai) that stimulate collagen production to improve tissue elasticity. Surgical options like vaginoplasty involve tightening the vaginal canal by removing excess tissue and reinforcing muscle structures. These procedures address medical issues like pelvic floor disorders and can also improve sexual function and confidence.

Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine, commonly occurring during activities that increase abdominal pressure, such as coughing, sneezing, or exercising. It often results from weakened pelvic floor muscles due to childbirth, aging, or hormonal changes. Treatment options at our gynecologist in Dubai include pelvic floor exercises (Kegels), lifestyle modifications, and minimally invasive procedures like CO2 fractional laser therapy, which stimulates collagen production to support the bladder. In more severe cases, surgical interventions may be necessary. Effective management can significantly improve quality of life by reducing symptoms and restoring bladder control.

Clitoral hoodectomy

Clitoral hoodectomy, or clitoral hood reduction, is a surgical procedure removing excess skin around the clitoris to enhance its appearance and sensitivity. This procedure is typically sought due to genetics, aging, or hormonal changes that cause excess skin, leading to an asymmetrical or enlarged appearance. The surgery, performed at our gynecology offices in Dubai under local anesthesia, involves carefully excising the extra folds of skin without affecting the clitoral nerves. Recovery involves mild discomfort, redness, and swelling for a few days, with most patients returning home the same day. The primary goal is to improve cosmetic appearance and potentially increase sexual pleasure.


The G-Shot, also labeled as PPR (Platelet Rich Plasma) for the G-Spot, is a non-surgical procedure aimed at enhancing female sexual pleasure. This treatment involves injecting PRP, derived from the patient’s own blood, into the G-Spot to increase sensitivity and stimulate collagen regeneration. Our gynecologists in Dubai start the process with drawing the patient’s blood, which is then centrifuged to extract PRP. The target area is numbed, and the PRP is injected. Benefits include increased natural lubrication, stronger and more frequent orgasms, and enhanced sexual arousal. The procedure is quick, typically taking about an hour, with minimal discomfort and immediate results for some women.

Labial Bleaching

Labial bleaching, also known as labial whitening, is a cosmetic procedure during which our gynecologists in Dubai use laser technology to lighten the skin on the labia. This treatment addresses hyperpigmentation caused by factors such as hormones, aging, childbirth, or genetics. At EAMC, the procedure utilizes CO2 fractional laser technology. Candidates for labial bleaching should be in good physical and psychological health, have significant pigmentation on the labial skin, and have realistic expectations. The results include a brighter, more youthful skin tone with a smooth texture. Typically, two to six sessions are needed, with visible results starting from the first month onward.

G-Spot Augmentation

G-spot augmentation, also called G-spot enhancement, is a non-surgical procedure involving dermal fillers to slightly increase the size of the G-spot. This intends to intensify stimulation during intimacy. Candidates should have realistic expectations, be interested in improving their sex life, be physically able to locate the G-spot, and be in good physical and mental health. The benefits include a potential boost in self-confidence and activation of the sensitive G-spot area. The procedure at our gynecologists’ office in Dubai takes about 30 minutes, is outpatient, and requires no sutures. Results vary among patients.

Enhancement of the labia majora

Labia majora enhancement involves increasing the volume of the outer lips of the vulva using autologous fat transfer or hyaluronic-based dermal fillers. Candidates should have significant volume loss or asymmetry in the labia majora, realistic expectations, and good overall health. After the procedure, mild discomfort, redness, and swelling may occur, subsiding within 24 hours. It’s a minimally invasive procedure with immediate return to activities. Results include brighter, more youthful skin tone. The number of sessions required depends on the technique used, typically with a yearly top-up session for dermal fillers. Of course, our gynecologist in Dubai will provide you with those.


Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure developed to tighten the vagina, typically due to slackness from vaginal childbirth or aging. While it can’t guarantee heightened sexual response, it addresses physical concerns. The procedure involves removing excess vaginal lining and tightening the surrounding soft tissues and muscles. Candidates should have realistic expectations and good overall health. It’s performed under anesthesia at our offices and may require post-operative care through our gynecologists in Dubai. Vaginoplasty should only be considered after thorough consultation with a qualified surgeon.

Combining microneedling and mesotherapy

Combining microneedling and mesotherapy enhances skin rejuvenation in intimate areas. Microneedling creates micro-injuries, allowing better absorption of mesotherapy serums, which contain growth factors and peptides. This combination improves skin texture, hydration, and pigmentation. It’s a minimally invasive outpatient procedure with minimal downtime. Results vary depending on the individual’s skin condition and treatment plan. Always consult with our qualified gynecologist in Dubai before undergoing the procedure.


Perineorrhaphy, also known as perineoplasty, repairs and strengthens the perineum, often after childbirth or trauma. It involves suturing the perineum to improve muscle tone and function, preventing prolapse and enhancing sexual satisfaction. Our gynecologists in Dubai tailor the procedure to each patient’s needs, and it can be performed under local or general anesthesia. Recovery time varies, but typically involves minimal discomfort and a quick return to normal activities.

At EAMC we have the leading aesthetic gynecologists in the region. Our medical experts are focus on the safety and care of every patient in a compassionate environment with state-of-the-art facilities. To book a consultation, get in touch using the contact details given, and one of our patient-care staff will book an appointment for you.

vaginal tightening

Due to certain aspects like aging and childbirth, the vagina can experience significant laxity as a result of extreme stretching, genetics, or excessive weight loss. To reverse this, a vaginal tightening procedure with laser, also known as vaginoplasty for surgical cases, may be required to reverse these effects.
Vaginal tightening with laser is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses laser heat to tighten the vagina by boosting collagen regeneration, hence decreasing its diameter and strengthening the tissue. EAMC, our Aesthetic Gynecologists use Co2 faractional laser for this procedure.

Candidates for Vaginal Tightening with Laser

To be eligible for vaginal tightening procedure, you have to fit a certain criterion including:
Having significant vaginal laxity
Being in good physical and emotional health
Having realistic expectations
Having some form of sexual disfunction due to the vaginal laxity
Precautions After Vaginal Tightening with Laser

After a vaginal tightening procedure, you might experience some degree of soreness, swelling and discomfort on the target area. These should diminish within 24 hours after the procedure, but you should be able to resume your day-to-day activities. On the other hand, it is advisable to avoid any intimacy for at least 7 days after the procedure.

Why You Should Choose EAMC?

Our Aesthetic Gynecologists are the best in their field and have ample experience in Cosmetic Gynecology.
we have state-of-the-art facilities, and use the latest and minimally invasive techniques to achieve faster healing with the best results.
we focus on patient care, and safety in a compassionate environment.
Frequently Asked Questions About Vaginal Tightening with Laser

How many Vaginal Tightening with Laser sessions are needed?

Vaginal tightening with laser requires up to 3 sessions for effective results. Each session should be at least one month apart. Each case is different and tailor-made to fit the patient’s needs. Your doctor will give you more information on this during consultation.

When will the results be felt?

The results will be felt fully after at least 3 months, but this also depends on the nature of the case. Most results are visible after the downtime, but your doctor should be able to give you more information on this.

How long do the vaginal tightening with laser results last?

The results of the procedure can last for years, but you’ll need one yearly top-up session to maintain the results.

What is the cost of vaginal tightening with laser?

The cost of vaginal tightening is determined upon consultation with our board-certified aesthetic gynecologist. This also depends on the nature of the patient’s needs.
NOTE: All results vary from one patient to the next

Get in Touch for Your Laser Vaginal Tightening

At EAMC, we have the leading aesthetic gynecologists in the region. Our medical experts are focus on the safety and care of every patient in a compassionate environment with state-of-the-art facilities. To book a consultation, get in touch using the contact details given, and one of our patient-care staff will book an appointment for you.

urinary incontinence

Urine leakage or loose bladder is a very common problem among women. In fact, 1 in every 3 women will experience it at some point in their life. Also known as Urinary Incontinence (UI), one can experience this involuntary leakage of urine during activities that increase pressure in the abdomen such as coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercise. There are different treatments for Urinary Incontinence, which range from surgical to non-surgical. Depending on the severity of the condition, you can get your treatment non-surgically with Co2 fractional laser.
Co2 fractional Laser is a minimally invasive treatment which can solve a number of functional feminine issues including Urinary Incontinence. The treatment reduces the symptoms of SUI and effectively restores urinary continence.

Candidates for Urinary Incontinence Treatment with CO2 fractional Laser?

To be eligible for Urinary Incontinence treatment with CO2 fractional Laser, you should:
Have a leaky bladder
Be in good health both physically and psychologically
Have realistic expectations
Have urgent need to go to the toilet frequently
Have urinary leak when you sneeze, cough, laugh or exercise

How the Treatment Works

When treating urinary incontinence with Co2 fractional , the laser energy stimulates collagen renewal, which induces rejuvenation and tissue remodeling. This leads to tightening of the muscles, hence eventually stopping the involuntary leaking of urine. In more serious cases that cannot be treated with Laser, as mentioned, the patient is referred to our inhouse urogynecologist for further examination and treatment.

Why You Should EAMC?

Our Aesthetic Gynaecologists are the best in their field and have ample experience in Cosmetic Gynaecology.
we have state-of-the-art facilities, and use the latest and minimally invasive techniques to achieve faster healing with the best results.
We focus on patient care, and safety in a compassionate environment.
Frequently Asked Questions About Urinary Incontinence Treatment with Co2 fractional Laser

How many sessions of Urinary Incontinence Treatment are needed?

Urinary Incontinence treatment with laser requires up to 3 sessions for effective results. Each session should be at least one month apart. Each case is different, and the treatment is tailor-made to fit the patient’s needs. Your doctor will give you more information on this during consultation.

When will the results be visible after the treatment?

The results will be felt after at least 3 months, but this also depends on the nature of the UI condition. Most results are visible after the downtime, but your doctor should be able to give you more information on this.

How long do the results last?

The results of the procedure can last for years, but you’ll need one yearly top-up session to maintain the results.

What is the cost of the treatment?

The cost of Urinary Incontinence treatment with laser is determined upon consultation with our board-certified aesthetic gynaecologist. This also depends on the nature of the patient’s needs.
NOTE: All results vary from one patient to the next

Get in Touch

At EAMC we have the leading aesthetic gynecologists in the region. Our medical experts are focus on the safety and care of every patient in a compassionate environment with state-of-the-art facilities. To book a consultation, get in touch using the contact details given, and one of our patient-care staff will book an appointment for you.

clitoral and hoodectomy

Testosterone, genetics, and oestrogen can considerably change the way the entire clitoral areas appear. Some of the significant changes include excess skin on both sides of the clitoris, making it look larger or asymmetrical. In such cases, a surgical procedure known as Clitoral Hoodectomy or clitoral hood reduction, is required to remove excess skin and tissue.

The goal of the procedure is to improve the cosmetic appearance of the clitoris by removing extra folds of skin. During the procedure, the nerves of the clitoris are not affected, nor is the clitoris mutilated in any way.

Causes of a hooded clitoris:

Hormonal changes
Or Congenital problems among others

Candidate for Clitoral Hoodectomy

For one to be considered a good candidate for a clitoral Hoodectomy, she must fit a certain criterion. This includes:

Having an asymmetrical clitoris
Having realistic expectations
Decreased stimulation on the clitoris
Excess skin on the clitoris
Being in overall good physical and mental health
Not having any genital conditions

What to Expect After Clitoral Hoodectomy Procedure

Clitoral hood reduction is done under local anesthesia and can last for up to two hours depending on the amount of skin to be excised. After the procedure, you can expect:
Immediately after the procedure, the patient will have some discomfort, some degree of redness, and swelling on the area. This will persist for 5-7 days after which it will begin to subsidize.
Although clitoral hood reduction is a surgical procedure, you don’t need to stay overnight. You can go home immediately after the surgery.

Why you should consider Clitoral Hoodectomy EMAC?

Our Aesthetic Gynaecologists are the best in their field and have ample experience in Cosmetic Gynaecology.
we have state-of-the-art facilities, and use the latest and minimally invasive techniques to achieve faster healing with the best results.
we focus on patient care, and safety in a compassionate environment.

Frequently Asked Questions about Clitoral Hoodectomy

How many clitoral hood reduction sessions are needed?

Only one session is required. On the other hand, most women combine clitoral hood reduction with labiaplasty for optimal results.

When will the results be visible?

The results can be visible almost immediately, but the possible discomfort and swelling might obscure the real results. It can take up to 10 days to see some results. The final results are only visible after the area has completely heals. Results vary from patient to patient.

What is the cost of Clitoral Hoodectomy?

The cost of a clitoral hood reduction in Dubai is determined after a consultation with our aesthetic gynaecologist, which will depend on the amount of excess skin to be excised, and if you’ll be combining the procedure with another, like labiaplasty.

Get in Touch

At EAMC, we have the leading aesthetic gynecologists in the region. Our medical experts are focus on the safety and care of every patient in a compassionate environment with state-of-the-art facilities. To book a consultation, get in touch using the contact details given, and one of our patient-care staff will book an appointment for you.


PPR for G.spot , is an intimate non-surgical procedure that rejuvenates a woman’s intimate health with the use of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). The treatment increases blood flow in the female reproductive organ, stimulates collagen regeneration, which as a result enhances sensitivity.

The procedure, which takes about an hour, is administered in the doctor’s office by one of our Aesthetic Gynecologists

How Does G.Shot Intimate Rejuvenation Work?

Since the procedure uses PRP, first and foremost your blood is drawn
Then it goes through centrifuging to extract the PRP from the blood
The area to be treated is numbed
The harvested PRP is then injected into the numbed target areas
New collagen starts regenerating
What Intimate Issues Does the G-shot Solve?

The G.shot procedure treats multiple intimate problems including:

When the patient has trouble getting an orgasm
Vaginal dryness
Painful sexual intercourse
Low libido

Benefits of Intimate Rejuvenation with G-shot?

It is a non-surgical intimate treatment with minimal to zero downtime
The treatment increases sensitivity in the intimate area
It is a fast and effective procedure with minimal discomfort
It doesn’t require any drugs
You can get intimate on the same day as the treatment, but it’s advisable to wait at least 24 hours.
The results are almost immediate in some women
Expected Results After the G-Shot Procedure
Possibly stronger and more frequent orgasms
Increased natural lubrication
Decreased pain during intercourse, if you were facing any discomfort
Tighter vagina
Increased libido

NOTE: All the results and indications of the G-shot intimate rejuvenation vary from patient to patient

Why You Should Choose EAMC?

Our Aesthetic Gynaecologists are the best in their field and have ample experience in Cosmetic Gynaecology.
we have state-of-the-art facilities, and use the latest and minimally invasive techniques to achieve faster healing with the best results.
we focus on patient care, and safety in a compassionate environment.

Get in Touch

At EAMC, we have the leading aesthetic gynecologists in the region. Our medical experts are focus on the safety and care of every patient in a compassionate environment with state-of-the-art facilities. To book a consultation, get in touch using the contact details given, and one of our patient-care staff will book an appointment for you.

Labial bleaching

commonly known as labial whitening, is a gynecological cosmetic procedure that uses laser to brighten the skin on the labia. The treatment works by getting rid of skin hyperpigmentation, which might have been caused by different factors like hormones, aging, childbirth or genetics. At EAMC our doctors use Co2 fractional , which is the next generation in laser intimate treatments.

Candidates for Labial Bleaching with Laser

To be eligible for a labial bleaching procedure, you have to fit a certain criterion including:

Having realistic expectations
Being in good physical and psychological health
Not having skin ailments like psoriasis, lupus, genital warts or herpes
Having significant pigmentation on the labial skin
Expected Results After the Procedure
After a laser labial bleaching procedure, your skin tone will be brighter than it was before and more youthful with a smooth texture.

Frequently Asked Questions About Labial Bleaching with Laser

How many labia whitening sessions are needed?

Laser labia bleaching requires between two and six sessions for effective results depending on the severity of the pigmentation. Each case is different, so, the treatment is tailor-made to fit the patient’s needs. The specialist will give you more information on this during consultation.

When will the results be seen?

This depends on the nature of your skin pigmentation. You can start seeing the results from the first month onwards, depending on the number of labia bleaching sessions needed. But your doctor should be able to give you more information on this.

What is the cost of labia bleaching with laser?

The cost of labia whitening is determined upon consultation with our aesthetic gynaecologist. This also depends on the nature of the skin pigmentation as well as the patient’s skin tone.

Is there any downtime after the procedure?

Just like any other laser skin treatment, you should expect a degree of downtime after the labia whitening procedure. The skin will feel sensitive immediately after, which should disappear within 24 hours.

Labia Whitening Precautions

Immediately after the whitening treatment, you’ll be provided with a topicalcream, which you should apply continuously for up to six months. During this time, you should avoid sun exposure to the treated area. Additionally, for the first 24 hours after the laser treatment, the area should not come in contact with water.

Why You Should Choose EAMC?

Our Aesthetic Gynaecologists are the best in their field and have ample experience in Cosmetic Gynaecology.
we have state-of-the-art facilities, and use the latest and minimally invasive techniques to achieve faster healing with the best results.
we focus on patient care, and safety in a compassionate environment.

Get in Touch

At EAMC, we have the aesthetic gynecologists in the region. Our aesthetic experts are focus on the safety and care of every patient in a compassionate environment with state-of-the-art facilities. To book a consultation, get in touch using the contact details given, and one of our patient-care staff will book an appointment for you.

G-Spot Augmentation

G-spot augmentation, also known as G-spot enhancement is a non-surgical procedure that involves enhancing the G-spot with the use of dermal fillers. The aim of the procedure is to marginally increase the size of the G-spot, which as a result intensifies stimulation during intimacy.

Candidates for G-spot Augmentation

For one to qualify for a G-spot enhancement procedure, she should:
Have realistic expectations
Be interested in improving your sex life
Be able to physically locate the G-spot
Be in good health both physically and mentally
Have loss of sensitivity on the target area after giving birth
Have no allergies on/in your intimate area
Have a certain degree of reduced libido due to the minimal size of the G-spot
Have normal and healthy sexual function
Expected Results After G-spot Augmentation
Most likely a high boost in self-confidence
Activation of the sensitive G-spot area
Benefits of G-spot Augmentation
The treatment fast; it takes about 30 minutes
It is an outpatient procedure that is done in the doctor’s office
G-spot enhancement is non-surgical with minimal risks if any
No sutures are required after the procedure
All results vary from one patient to the next.

Why You Should Choose EAMC?

Our Aesthetic Gynaecologists are the best in their field and have ample experience in Cosmetic Gynaecology.
we have state-of-the-art facilities, and use the latest and minimally invasive techniques to achieve faster healing with the best results.
we focus on patient care, and safety in a compassionate environment.

Get in Touch

At EAMC we have the leading aesthetic gynecologists in the region. Our medical experts are focus on the safety and care of every patient in a compassionate environment with state-of-the-art facilities. To book a consultation, get in touch using the contact details given, and one of our patient-care staff will book an appointment for you.

enhancement labia major

With aging comes the loss of volume from different parts of the body, including the labia majora, which is the most prominent part of a woman’s vulva. Just like the face, or other areas of the body, this loss of volume, which is mostly fat, can be replaced through a cosmetic procedure known as labia majora enhancement. The outer lips of the vulva can be enlarged with either autologous fat transfer or hyaluronic-based dermal fillers. The procedure is done by an experienced Aesthetic Gynaecologist.

Candidates for Labia Majora Enhancement

For you to be considered a good candidate for a labia enhancement, you must fit a certain criterion. This includes:

Having significant volume loss in the labia majora
Asymmetry of the labia majora
Having realistic expectations
Being in overall good physical and mental health
Expectations After Labia Majora Enhancement
Immediately after the procedure, the patient will have some mild discomfort, some degree of redness, and swelling on the area. This should subside after 24 hours.
Since labia majora enhancement with fillers is a minimally invasive procedure, you can go back to your activities immediately after the procedure.

Why you should consider Labia Majora Augmentation at EAMC?

Our Aesthetic Gynaecologists are the best in their field and have ample experience in Cosmetic Gynaecology.
we have state-of-the-art facilities, and use the latest and minimally invasive techniques to achieve faster healing with the best results.
we focus on patient care, and safety in a compassionate environment.
Frequently Asked Questions about Labia Majora Enhancement

How many labia majora enhancement sessions are needed?

It will depend on the technique used, whether it’s dermal fillers ,you may need a top-up session after 12 months or more, depending on the consistency of the filler

When will the results be visible after the procedure?

The results can be visible almost immediately, but the possible discomfort and swelling might obscure the real results. It can take 7 to 10 days to see the actual results.

What is the cost of labia majora enhancement?

The cost of labia majora enhancement is determined after a consultation with our aesthetic gynaecologist, which will depend on the technique used, as well as the amount of the dermal fillers used.

Get in Touch

At EAMC, we have aesthetic gynecologists in the region. Our medical experts are Focus on the safety and care of every patient in a compassionate environment with state-of-the-art facilities. To book a consultation, get in touch using the contact details given, and one of our patient-care staff will book an appointment for you.


is a procedure that aims to “tighten up” a vagina that’s become slack or loose from vaginal childbirth or aging.
While it’s true that vaginal tissues can stretch, surgically tightening the vaginal tissue in itself cannot guarantee a heightened sexual response, since desire, arousal, and orgasm are complex, highly personal responses, conditioned as much by emotional, spiritual, and interpersonal factors as aesthetic ones. In addition, sexual “sensitivity” doesn’t automatically lead to more pleasure – it can actually lead to pain.

While it’s true that vaginal tissues can stretch, surgically tightening the vaginal tissue in itself cannot guarantee a heightened sexual response, since desire, arousal, and orgasm are complex, highly personal responses, conditioned as much by emotional, spiritual, and interpersonal factors as aesthetic ones. In addition, sexual “sensitivity” doesn’t automatically lead to more pleasure – it can actually lead to pain.

Why You Should Choose EAMC?

Our Aesthetic Gynaecologists are the best in their field and have ample experience in Cosmetic Gynaecology.
we have state-of-the-art facilities, and use the latest and minimally invasive techniques to achieve faster healing with the best results.
we focus on patient care, and safety in a compassionate environment.

Get in Touch

At EAMC, we have the leading aesthetic gynecologists in the region. Our medical experts are focus on the safety and care of every patient in a compassionate environment with state-of-the-art facilities. To book a consultation, get in touch using the contact details given, and one of our patient-care staff will book an appointment for you.

Combining microneedling and mesotherapy

Microneedling and mesotherapy both present a host of benefits – and they can actually be combined for an even more advanced treatment.
microneedling and mesotherapy work best in combination with each other,”
“Microneedling is an ideal treatment for delivering serum formulations into the deeper layers of the skin while the channels are still open. They will of course not be delivered as deep as they are with a traditional mesotherapy gun, however, skin is an intelligent organ and cell to cell communication can be boosted with the use of signalling molecules like exosomes and growth factors to achieve a much deeper rejuvenation beyond the surface layers.
“Mesotherapy solutions have evolved from being basic hyaluronic acid-based hydrating serums to bio-engineered formulations with collagen stimulating peptides, antioxidants and pigment inhibiting ingredients.”
“The use of sophisticated mesotherapy serums along with microneedling can help with tackling most skin concerns like pigmentation, dehydration, uneven texture and ageing concerns amongst many more.”

Why You Should Choose EAMC?

Our Aesthetic Gynaecologists are the best in their field and have ample experience in Cosmetic Gynaecology.
we have state-of-the-art facilities, and use the latest and minimally invasive techniques to achieve faster healing with the best results.
we focus on patient care, and safety in a compassionate environment.

Get in Touch

At EAMC, we have the leading aesthetic gynecologists in the region. Our medical experts are focus on the safety and care of every patient in a compassionate environment with state-of-the-art facilities. To book a consultation, get in touch using the contact details given, and one of our patient-care staff will book an appointment for you


Perineorrhaphy is performed for prevention of recurrent prolapse, improved sexual function.The perineum is made up of a muscular portion at the confluence of the superficial transverse perineal muscles and bulbocavernosis (or bulbospongiosis) muscles, as well as the midline connection of the two halves of the perineal membrane .Perineorrhaphy means suturing of the perineum, and is sometimes used synonymously with perineoplasty, which means surgical repair of the perineum.

Why You Should Choose EAMC?

Our Aesthetic Gynaecologists are the best in their field and have ample experience in Cosmetic Gynaecology.
we have state-of-the-art facilities, and use the latest and minimally invasive techniques to achieve faster healing with the best results.
we focus on patient care, and safety in a compassionate environment.

Get in Touch

At EAMC, we have the leading aesthetic gynecologists in the region. Our medical experts are focus on the safety and care of every patient in a compassionate environment with state-of-the-art facilities. To book a consultation, get in touch using the contact details given, and one of our patient-care staff will book an appointment for you

What are genital warts?

Genital warts are a common sexually transmitted infection. Almost all sexually active people will develop at least one type of HPV infection at some point in their lives, the virus that causes genital warts.

Genital warts can look like tiny, skin-colored bumps and have a cauliflower-like appearance. In many cases, warts are so small that they cannot be seen.

Certain strains of HPV can cause genital warts, while others can cause cancer. Vaccines can help protect against some strains of genital HPV.

What are the symptoms of genital warts?

Women may notice genital warts on the vulva, the vaginal wall, the area between the thighs and genitals, the anus, the anal canal, and the cervix. As for men, genital warts may appear on the tip or shaft of the penis, scrotum, or anus.

Signs and symptoms of genital warts include:

Small skin-colored, brown or pink warts in the genital area
Several blisters formations that look like cauliflower
Itching in the genital area
Bleeding during sexual intercourse
You should see a doctor if you or your partner develop warts or blisters in the genital area.

What are the causes of genital warts?

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is what causes warts. There are more than 40 strains of HPV that affect the genitals.
Genital warts are usually spread through sexual contact. Warts do not need to be visible to transmit the infection from or to your sexual partner.