Emerald Medical Clinic

Shoulder surgery treatments

he treatments in shoulder surgery are as varied as the clinical pictures. While some shoulder conditions can be alleviated with conservative orthopedic treatments, sometimes there is no way around targeted surgery. At Emerald Avenue Medical Clinic, our experts from Germany do a minimally invasive procedures for the surgical treatment of diseases and injuries of the shoulder at

  • an impingement syndrome
  • Bursa removals
  • Wear and tear in the shoulder joint (arthrosis / omarthrosis)
  • Rotator cuff rupture (tendon tear in the shoulder)
  • Capsular ligament injuries of the shoulder
  • Complicated fractures of the humerus in the area of the shoulder
  • Shoulder dislocation (luxation)
  • Shoulder stiffness as well as
  • Shoulder stiffness

On the other hand, further operations such as initial implants of shoulder endoprostheses and replacement operations for new implants cannot always be treated minimally invasively. In these cases, however, our specialist will be at your service as adeptly as professionally with the most modern treatments in orthopedic medicine.

We care about your safety and trust, which is why we attach great importance to a detailed medical history and careful diagnostics. Our specialists in orthopedics and trauma surgery are at your side with advice and support to alleviate discomfort and pain in the shoulder with state-of-the-art therapies. Shoulder surgery therefore plays a major role in our clinic in JBR,Dubai Marina at Emerald Avenue Medical Clinic

The most modern methods of shoulder surgery in the Emerald Avenue Medical Clinic in JBR, Dubai Marina

In minimally invasive / arthroscopic shoulder surgery, new stitching techniques and anchorage systems (double-row anchorage) can now improve pull-out forces. This allows the sutured tendon to heal better on the bone. Earlier postoperative mobilization of the shoulder and shorter healing courses are the result. Our shoulder surgery experts are available for numerous diseases and symptoms and treat with minimally invasive procedures, for example:

  • Ulnar nerve syndrome: In ulnar nerve syndrome, minimally invasive surgery can be used to expose the nerve to reduce discomfort.
  • Elbow arthrosis: In the case of arthrosis-related stiffening of the elbow, the malpositioning of the joint can be reduced and motor function improved again by means of minimally invasive surgery.
  • Surgery for tennis elbow / tennis elbow: The tensions that are causative for tennis elbow or tennis elbow can be minimally invasively removed using the latest therapies, thus providing targeted relief from the symptoms.

The use of minimally invasive procedures in shoulder surgery ensures significantly smaller incisions, which represent a correspondingly lower risk potential for complications during the healing process than was the case with previously common operations using conservative incision patterns. This also spares the organism, which spares more energy for the actual healing process.

You’re appointment with our experts for shoulder surgery at Emerald Avenue Medical Clinic in JBR, Dubai Marina

Do you have shoulder discomfort that may require surgical intervention? At Emerald Avenue Medical Clinic our experts in orthopedics and trauma surgery will be happy to help you. In our well-equipped specialist center, we perform all the necessary examinations to begin treatment at the root cause, rather than just symptomatically alleviating symptoms.

Rely on our experience and extensive expertise in the latest treatment methods for shoulder surgery. If you have shoulder complaints, make an appointment at Emerald Avenue Medical Clinic in JBR,Dubai Marina early so that you can soon enjoy your freedom of movement again without any complaints.

We always treat you individually and with the most modern therapies – from conservative methods to innovative treatments with minimally invasive procedures in shoulder surgery.