Emerald Medical Clinic

packages |

GP Family Medicine clinic

Allergy screening package
  • Family physician GP consultation
  • Food intolerance test (220 type)
  • Allergen screening Inhalant Panel III (32 allergen)

3220 AED

Basic pre employment fitness package
  • GP Consultation
    • HIV 1/ 2 Antibody, P24 COMBO
    • Hepatitis B surface Ag (HBs Ag)
    • RPR /VDRL
    • Chest X-Ray

1270 AED

Comprehesive pre employment fitness package
  • GP Consultation
  • Blood Group & Rh
  • Lipid Profile
  • Urine Analysis
  • HbA1C
  • Kidney Function Profile & Liver Function Profile
    • Creatinine
    • Urea
    • Total Protein
    • Albumin
    • Globulin
    • Albumin/Globulin (A/G) Ratio
    • Phosphorous
    • Uric Acid
    • Sodium (Na)
    • Potassium (K)
    • Chloride (Cl)
    • Calcium-Total
    • Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)
    • Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST)
    • Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)
    • Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
    • Bilirubin total
    • Bilirubin direct
    • Bilirubin – Indirect
  • STD Screen
    • Hepatitis B surface Ag (HBs Ag)
    • Hepatitis C Virus Ab, (HCV)
    • Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)-2, IgM
    • Anti-Chlamydia trachomatis, IgM & IgG
    • HIV 1/ 2 Antibody, P24 COMBO
    • RPR Screen (Rapid Plasma Reagin)
    • Chest X-Ray

2900 AED

Diabetes screening check-up
  • Family physician consultation
  • Laboratory test:
    • Diabetes profile:
      1. Fasting serum glucose
      2. HbA1c
      3. Micro-albumin/creatinine ratio (urine)
    • Insulin resistance profile (insulin level fasting, 1hr, 2hr)
    • Homa-IR
    • Full Blood Count
    • Vit .D, Vit. B12
    • Uric acid
    • Urine Analysis
    • Complete metabolic profile (Kidney and liver profiles)
    • Lipid profile

3610 AED

Emerald A to Z Package
  • Family physician consultation
  • Laboratory test:
    • Lipid Panel
    • Full Blood Count
    • Urine Analysis
    • Urine Micro Albumin
    • ESR
    • hs CRP
    • Pap Smear (Under age 65 years)
    • Vitamin D3
    • Fasting Blood Sugar
    • Hb A1C
    • Thyroid Profile (T3, T4, TSH)
    • Stool Occult Blood
    • Uric Acid
    • Complete Metabolic Profile
    • Albumin
    • Globulin
    • A/G Ratio
    • ALT, AST, Bili
    • Alk Phos
    • GGT
    • Calcium
    • BUN
    • Creatinine
    • BUN/ Cr Ratio
    • Sodium
    • Potassium
    • Serum CO2
    • Vitamin B12
    • Iron Studies
    • Serum Iron
    • TIBC
    • Ferritin
    • Transferrin
    • Folate
    • Magnesium
    • Zinc
    • LH, FSH
  • Provide HPV and other booster vaccine doses subjective to patient’s needs.
  • Food intolerance test for more than 200 type of allergen.
  • Imaging:
    • Electrocardiogram ECG.

6870 AED

Emerald Basic Package
  • Family physician consultation
  • Laboratory test:
    • CBC
    • Ferritin
    • Vitamin D and B12
    • RFT (Including Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Phosphate)
    • Lipid panel
    • HbA1C, fasting/Random blood glucose
    • TSH, Free T4
    • ALT, AST
    • Uric acid
  • Imaging:
    • Electrocardiogram ECG.

2860 AED

Emerald General Package
  • Family physician consultation
  • Laboratory test:
    • Full Blood Count
    • Vit .D, Vit. B12
    • Uric acid
    • Lipid Panel
    • Urine Analysis
    • Hb A1C
    • Thyroid Profile (T3, T4, TSH)
  • Complete Metabolic Profile
    • Albumin
    • Globulin
    • A/G Ratio
    • ALT, AST, Bilirubin
    • Alk Phos
    • Calcium
    • BUN
    • Creatinine
    • BUN/ Cr Ratio
    • Sodium
    • Potassium
    • Magnesium
  • Imaging:
    • Electrocardiogram ECG

4270 AED

Emerald wellness Package for female
  • Family physician consultation
  • Consultant Cardiologist consultation
  • Consultant Urologist consultation
  • Consultant Orthopedic consultation
  • Specialist Obstetrics and Gynecology consultation
  • Specialist ENT consultation
  • Comprehensive dental checkup with polishing and scaling.
  • Laboratory test:
    • Lipid Panel
    • Full Blood Count
    • Urine Analysis
    • Urine Micro Albumin
    • ESR
    • hs CRP
    • Vitamin D3
    • Fasting Blood Sugar
    • Hb A1C
    • Thyroid Profile (T3, T4, TSH)
    • Stool Occult Blood
    • Uric Acid
    • Complete Metabolic Profile
    • Albumin
    • Globulin
    • A/G Ratio
    • ALT, AST, Bili
    • Alk Phos
    • GGT
    • Calcium
    • BUN
    • Creatinine
    • BUN/ Cr Ratio
    • Sodium
    • Potassium
    • Serum CO2
    • Vitamin B12
    • Iron Studies
    • Serum Iron
    • TIBC
    • Ferritin
    • Transferrin
    • Folate
    • Magnesium
    • Zinc
    • LH, FSH
    • HbsAg
    • HbsAB
    • HCVAb
    • Rheumatoid Factor
    • Helicobacter Pylori
    • Apolipoprotein A
    • Apolipoprotein B
    • Anti TPO
    • Anti Thyroglobulin
  • Provide HPV and other booster vaccine doses subjective to patient’s needs.
  • Food intolerance test for more than 200 type of allergen.
  • Imaging:
    • Electrocardiogram ECG.
    • Echocardiography ECHO
    • Ultrasound of joints.
    • KUB ultrasound by urologist doctor
    • Audiometry

11410 AED  (For Female)

Emerald wellness Package for male
  • Family physician consultation
  • Consultant Cardiologist consultation
  • Consultant Urologist consultation
  • Consultant Orthopedic consultation
  • Specialist ENT consultation
  • Comprehensive dental checkup with polishing and scaling.
  • Laboratory test:
    • Lipid Panel
    • Full Blood Count
    • Urine Analysis
    • Urine Micro Albumin
    • ESR
    • hs CRP
    • PSA and serum testosterone tests (For males)
    • Vitamin D3
    • Fasting Blood Sugar
    • Hb A1C
    • Thyroid Profile (T3, T4, TSH)
    • Stool Occult Blood
    • Uric Acid
    • Complete Metabolic Profile
    • Albumin
    • Globulin
    • A/G Ratio
    • ALT, AST, Bili
    • Alk Phos
    • GGT
    • Calcium
    • BUN
    • Creatinine
    • BUN/ Cr Ratio
    • Sodium
    • Potassium
    • Serum CO2
    • Vitamin B12
    • Iron Studies
    • Serum Iron
    • TIBC
    • Ferritin
    • Transferrin
    • Folate
    • Magnesium
    • Zinc
    • LH, FSH
    • HbsAg
    • HbsAB
    • HCVAb
    • Rheumatoid Factor
    • Helicobacter Pylori
    • Apolipoprotein A
    • Apolipoprotein B
    • Anti TPO
    • Anti Thyroglobulin
  • Provide HPV and other booster vaccine doses subjective to patient’s needs.
  • Food intolerance test for more than 200 type of allergen.
  • Imaging:
    • Electrocardiogram ECG.
    • Echocardiography ECHO
    • Ultrasound of joints.
    • KUB ultrasound by urologist doctor
    • Audiometry

11650 AED (For Male)

Gluten and lactose intolerance test package
  • Family physician GP consultation
  • Laboratory test:
    • Celiac disease screening (Serum)
    • Anemia profile
    • Calcium free
    • Calcium total
    • Vitamin D
    • Vitamin B12
    • HgA1c
    • Electrolytes
    • Calprotectin (stool)
    • Occult blood (stool)
    • Reducing substance (stool)
    • Breath Hydrogen test

3610 AED

Pediatric Care Package
  • Family physician consultation
  • Laboratory test:
    • Full Blood Count
    • Iron studies
    • Vit .D, Vit. B12
    • Uric acid
    • Lipid Panel
    • Urine Analysis
    • Hb A1C
    • Thyroid Profile (T3, T4, TSH)
  • Complete Metabolic Profile
    • Albumin
    • Globulin
    • ALT, AST, Billirubin
    • Alk Phos
    • BUN
    • Creatinine
    • Sodium
    • Potassium
    • Calcium
  • Provide HPV and other booster vaccine doses subjective to patient’s needs.
  • Food intolerance test for more than 200 type of allergen.
  • Comprehensive dental checkup.

5010 AED

Pre employment fitness package
  • GP Consultation
    • HIV I & II P24 Antigen
    • Hepatitis B surface Ag (HBs Ag)
    • Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Abs
    • RPR /VDRL
    • Chest X-Ray

1600 AED

Travel Package
  • Family physician consultation
  • Laboratory test:
    • Full Blood Count
    • Peripheral blood smear
    • Iron studies
    • Vit .D, Vit. B12
    • Uric acid
    • Lipid Panel
    • Urine Analysis
    • Hb A1C
  • Complete Metabolic Profile
    • Albumin
    • Globulin
    • ALT, AST, Billirubin
    • Alk Phos
    • BUN
    • Creatinine
    • Sodium
    • Potassium
    • Calcium
  • Routine Vaccinations:
    • Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis
    • Measles, mumps, rubella
    • Influenza
  • Travel-Specific Vaccinations:
    • Hepatitis A and B
    • Typhoid
    • Yellow fever (if traveling to affected regions)
  • Disease-Specific Blood Tests:
    • Malaria
    • Dengue
    • Zika virus (if traveling to affected areas)
  • Travel Medications:
    • Prescription for antimalarials or other destination-specific medications
    • Comprehensive dental checkup.

5010 AED