Emerald Medical Clinic

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DNA – Advanced Genetic Testing

DNA Active

DNA Active is designed to guide you on your journey to live a healthier and more active life, and help you reach your performance goals.

Genes are segments of DNA that contain the instructions your body needs to make each of the many thousands of proteins required for life. Each gene is comprised of thousands of combinations of “letters” (called bases) which make up your genetic code. The code gives the instructions to make the proteins required for proper development and function. Genetic variations can affect the expression of a gene, thereby affecting metabolic processes that are important for maintaining a state of health. Knowledge of these variations offers a powerful advantage, enabling personalised exercise and nutritional recommendations aimed at optimising health and athletic performance.

Personalised medicine and your performance goals

Think of this report as your handy reference guide to weight management, exercise responsiveness, nutrient requirements, and a host of other factors that will combine to help you reach your performance goals. There is a lot to take in but don’t worry; your genes never change and so you can refer to this report at any time.

DNA Diet

DNA Diet is a genetic test that provides insights into factors influencing weight, guiding personalized diet and exercise recommendations.

Genetics and personalised medicine

Genes contain the instructions for making proteins required for proper development and function. Genetic variations can affect metabolic processes and how we respond to diet, lifestyle, supplements, and medications. Knowing these variations offers valuable insights into biological systems, enabling tailored interventions to help achieve optimal health.

Personalised medicine and weight management

Overweight and obesity are complex, multifactorial conditions strongly linked to chronic disease risk. Precision nutrition, considering an individual’s unique genetic code, age, sex, and health status, is essential for effective and sustainable weight management.

Understanding weight management

The majority of obesity is polygenic, meaning both genetic and environmental factors play significant roles. Genetic variants are associated with various biological pathways involved in weight regulation, including the nervous system, digestion, insulin signaling, metabolism, and gut health.

This holistic understanding supports a personalized approach to weight management, considering an individual’s genetic profile and how they may respond to dietary, lifestyle, and exercise interventions. This can improve motivation, compliance, and long-term outcomes.

DNA Health

We used Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to analyze your DNA from a buccal swab sample. This allowed us to identify unique DNA sequences and genetic polymorphisms associated with various health conditions and metabolic processes.
Based on the genetic profile, we have provided a priority table to highlight areas that may require increased dietary, lifestyle, and nutritional support:

  • Low priority areas don’t need more support than standard health recommendations.
  • Moderate or high priority areas will require targeted interventions to address genetic imbalances.

The report covers the following biological areas:

  • Vitamin metabolism
  • Lipid metabolism
  • Methylation
  • Bone health
  • Insulin sensitivity
  • Detoxification
  • Inflammation
  • Oxidative stress
  • Food responsiveness
  • Gut health

This genetic information, combined with consideration of environmental factors like diet and lifestyle, can provide a holistic assessment of your health risks and guide appropriate interventions.

DNA Medcheck Pharmacogenetics

Amazing test to justify all medications based on gene study for efficient treatment.

DNA Sport Report

The explosion in sports genomics research has revealed multiple connections between genetic variants and trainability. To fulfil your athletic potential it is important to make appropriate choices that best match your unique genetic makeup.

This pioneering genetic service provides you with the specific knowledge to make exercise, nutritional and lifestyle choices that best suit your individual needs.

To achieve success in a chosen sport requires a multitude of factors, of which genetics is one part. The advice provided in this report should be used as a guide to help you optimise and personalise your training regime within your chosen sport.

The DNA Sport test looks at various different biological areas that relate to sporting performance. Insight into these areas can be used to personalise your exercise program in order to gain as much as possible from your training sessions

Fagron Nutri Testing
  • Important genetic results
    • Summary of the categories where your genes have an important impact on your health and weight. For each category presented, we show you the final score for your own predisposition to have an impact on it and a brief description of what this means.
  • Recommended diet type
    • In case of following a weight loss intervention, we depict here our recommendation on the type of diet that will be optimal for you to succeed in your strategy. You will get a score showing the percentage of efficiency. The graph reads red for low efficiency and green for high efficiency.
  • Intolerance risk
    • Here you can find how high is your genetic risk of intolerance to specific products (lactose, alcohol, gluten, caffeine and fructose) that might shape your future diet. Legend reads from green (low risk of intolerance) to red (high risk of intolerance).
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiency risk
    • This section shows your predisposition to suffer from deficiency in vitamins and minerals, based in your genetic profile, allowing to elaborate a plan on your supplementation needs. Legend reads from green (low risk of intolerance) to red (high risk of intolerance).
  • The best food supplements
    • This section includes an overview of the recommended supplements, distributed in 3 phases to ensure the supply of all your nutritional needs in the future. Your doctor or health specialist will set the duration of each phase for you based on your clinical condition and treatment evolution.
      • Phase 1 – Detox: Detoxification of parasites and pinworms, intestinal dysbiosis and cellular oxidative state.
      • Phase 2 – Restructuring: Cell and tissue restructuring at all levels and covering of mineral, vitamin and trace element deficiencies according to the diagnose of patient’s needs.
      • Phase 3 – Supplementation: Supplementation and recovery of the optimal state at all levels: cellular, tissue, immune, bone-muscular, psychoneuronal and endocrine.
  • Top 5 food categories
    • Made from your genetic and health/behaviour data. List of the 5 best foods you can eat per category, to help you with a hands-on list of foods for you. Food is suggested from the results of the test performed by Fagron and professional nutritionists.
  • Distribution of daily intake of foods
    • In this graph you can visualize the optimal proportion of fats, proteins and healthy carbohydrates intake on a daily basis, based in your genetic profile.
  • Physical activity
    • This section shows the expected benefits of exercise in improving your cholesterol HDL levels and reducing body fat according to your genetic results. The graph reads from green (high benefits expected) to red (low benefits expected).
  • Recommended calories
    • Our recommendation for your daily calorie intake, inferred from your BMI and gender. This calculation is a suggestion, always consult with your nutritionist or healthcare specialist and follow their indications to maximize a healthy weight loss.
  • Complete genetic results
    • This table includes a complete description of all the analysed SNPs within the Fagron NutriGen™ both at gene and SNP level, your genetic variant and the risk it confers to each category of our test.
Fargron Sport Testing Genetic report
  • Personalized Sports Nutrition & Performance Test.
  • Personalized nutrition recommendations to maximize athletic performance.

Report content

  • Patient identification data
  • Presentation of Fagron Sport
  • Sports skills
    • Power (anaerobic exercise)
    • Endurance (aerobic exercise)
    • Power vs. Endurance
    • Aerobic potential (VO2 max)
    • Response to exercise
  • Physical characteristics
    • Predisposition to inflammation
    • Predisposition to oxidative stress
    • Muscle predisposition
    • Predisposition to hypertension
    • Predisposition to soft tissue injuries
    • Predisposition recovery after exercise
  • Understand genetics
  • Methodology
  • Analyzed genes
  • References