Emerald Medical Clinic

Spoken Languages

English, Arabic

Educational Credentials:
  • Advance life support course 2021
  • Basic life support course 2024
  • Attended Sudanese Medical specialization Board course in Emergency that hold in Universal Hospital Sudan 2022
  • Graduation Research in Benign Prostatic hyperplasia in IBN – SEENA hospital Sudan 2017-2018
  • MBBS degree in Medicine and Surgery from Al-Zaim Al-Azhari University 2018

Dr. Anees Khalafalla

Specialty: General Practitioner


DR, Anees Khalafalla dedicated general practitioner Offering strong background of history taking and examination. DHA UAE active License and ministry of health evaluation letter.

DR Anees has extensive experience in emergency medicine, internal medicine, pediatric and clinic practice. DR, Anees Khalafalla worked in major hospitals and exposed to different cases verifying from cardiac arrest cases in the resuscitation room and chronic cases in clinic. Offering Trauma Care, wound suture, wound dressing and emergency ultrasound services.

DR, Anees Khalafalla is holding MBBS degree in Medicine and surgery from Al-Zaim Al-Azhari University (Sudan) and completed post graduate internship training under supervision of ministry of health Sudan in major department of Medicine, Surgery, obstetric and Pediatric.

working hours

mon-sat ________________________ 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Sunday__________________________ closed